Saturday, August 4, 2012

Re-bounding 101

It's been 3 weeks since my show in Pittsburgh, I have gained 12 lbs.  Now is the time when I have to NOT think about weight, NOT think about getting on the scale.  It's the time when I have to let the food I ate regulate through my system and not worry about it.  It's off season after all.  I will stay fuller and heavier but as long as I diet correctly it will be GOOD size, not fat size.  I like myself fuller.  I mean, don't get me wrong, I LOVE the look I have on stage, tight, ripped, lean... but I think I look better a little fuller and it's all part of the growth cycle.  If I eat correctly I will not need to get on the scale.  That thing can MESS a girl up ;)  So, off season diet commenced, lots of food, lots of carbs, lots of protein and 2 cheats a week!  Can't really mess that up too bad ;)  We shall see what this brings.  I was told I needed a bigger back, so that's what I'm really focusing on now.  Tighter glutes/hams and bigger back/lats.  So, this girl has WORK to do and that's exactly what I plan on doing.  Follow along and see what I go through...  I lifted last night, KILLED my delts.. they are wondering what they did to me to deserve to be punished like that ;)


  1. <3 it!! its going to be a reat off season for u...glad i get to watch and learn...
