Monday, August 6, 2012


This is going to be a touchy post but please realize that this is MY thoughts and MY opinions.

This sport has some serious issues.  Unfair advantages, pay off's, wack off's, crazy people, people who want from you and offer nothing in return.  Basically you can trust NO ONE.  People who you thought were your friends AREN'T.  There are so many wannabe's out there.  Wannabe coaches, wannabe diet guru's, wannabe competitors, wanna be friends and I have found that those are the people who cause the most drama.  I just wanna train and get up on stage and present a great ME.  I don't need the drama, I don't need the backstabbing, I don't need the caddyness.  I'm an ADULT!!!  If you got something to say, say it to me, if not, shut the F up!  No one wants to hear your crap.  If you don't like the way I train, too bad, you don't have to train that way.  If you don't like the way I diet, too bad, you don't have to do it.  If you don't like what I post on FB, don't read it.  People have choices in life.  There is a woman "55 plus yr old" x body builder woman who took my FB pictures, compared them to hers and sent them out on email to people at the gym making fun of me.  Saying "who's bigger, me or her" talkin' smack about me..  I was never anything but nice to her, respectful of her and her husband as they both are big and in shape.  It pissed me off because I would NEVER to that to someone.  I wasn't the best of friends with her so I don't really care that we don't say hi anymore in the gym but come on.  When I confront you about it, OWN IT...  Don't lie and say you would never do that or you don't have time to do it or whatever.  Fucking childish games people play piss me off.  I am a married mother of 4 who just wants to train, inspire people and that's that.  Leave me the F alone!  Of course she's bigger than me, she was a BODY BUILDER, I'm figure!!  DUH!  I feel sorry for her actually.  Sad....

I saw a picture that said if people try to bring you down, it's only because they think you're above them.  That's perfect.  Jealousy and greed play a big part in this sport and it's really a shame because we ALL work hard and deserve a great experience.  Doing shows with friends.. not such a good idea.  There will always be some form of underlying jealousy if you do better than them.  No matter if they say there isn't, there is.  Learned that the hard way.  I will never do shows with friends unless they are in a different division, that way there is NO chance of jealousy since we're not competing against each other.  Fkn sad that it has to be that way :(  Tryin to even talk to other friends who aren't in the sport isn't a good idea.  They just don't get it, never will.  I lost my best friend of 13 years because of this reason.  She said it "makes me no fun".  Why?  Cuz I don't eat my way through a carnival??  I didn't realize that you only liked me if I could eat and drink.  Never asked how I was doing, how prep was, didn't say good luck, didn't ask me how it went, nothing.  NOTHING!  Even after I told her last year I needed more from her as a friend, she didn't ask.  People who aren't in the sport just don't get it.  Others say it's again jealousy, that I am able to do something she's not.  But come on.  If she went back to school, I'd ask how it was going.  That's what FRIENDS do!!  I guess we weren't as good of friends as I thought.  Others ask for advice, then do the complete opposite.  DON'T ask me then!!  Sheesh.  Then there's others who will pretend to be your friend and talk shit behind your back.  Those are the worst only because I feel stupid thinking I could trust them to begin with.

So I guess what I'm saying in this is.... People are F'd up..  Lying, backstabbing, cheating, caddyness, jealousy... Grow the F up already, we're all adults.  Well, most of us anyway.

Ok, rant over ;)


  1. Very honest and straight forward post. i know it is a touchy subject for you and others...just dust off your shoulders and get on with the good, positive things and people in your life....there are so many more of those than these losers....keep your head up!! u rock!!

  2. Thank you!!! :) It's been hard but was really a learning experience so I'm thankful that I learned!
