Friday, August 10, 2012

Let's get real here...

A friend of mine has a blog, she was posting about rebound weight, prep body vs off season.  I'm right there.  I've already posted about some of it but you know everyone always wants to stay "stage lean" and it's just not possible, nor would I want it to be.  I like food just like anyone else.  I like the way I look on stage and the week after but I do NOT want to be in "prep" mode all year long.  If you eat clean and allow yourself  some cheats every now then you'll stay pretty lean while gaining some lean muscle if you're following your plan and training right that is.  It's hard to see fluff slowly creep up.  It's hard to see your abs disappear basically overnight BUT it's all part of the process and you just gotta trust the process.  I was sooooo scared I would not be ready for my show at like 10 wks out and boy was I wrong.  My coach kept telling me, you're fine, you're fine, you're on point etc but looking at myself I was so damn scared.  BUT everything worked out and I looked the best I've ever looked.  So I guess what I'm trying to say is, go ahead have a cookie, have a Starbucks Frap, as long as you don't overdo it you'll be A-OK come show time.  If you come across people who say "oh I don't want a piece of cake" or "I haven't had pasta in 12 years", they're LIARS.  They do want it!!!  You're not foooooolin anyone pal.  Everyone wants cake... 

Everybody loves cake.  (Shrek)

I mean come on.  Fruit.  Allow yourself fruit in the off season.  It's healthy for you.  Just not in prep.  There are a lot of "followers" out there but you have to know what YOUR body responds to and what you should or shouldn't eat.  Ask questions, ask others their diets, what they do, what they don't do.  It's all a learning process.  Don't ever be afraid to ask.  

As for me, I'm holding steady at 142 and fine with it.  I'm eating every 3 hrs, having healthy carbs and fats and protein and 2 cheats (or maybe 3) a week :)  I am enjoying my life and training hard!!


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