Sunday, August 12, 2012

Gearing up for a new week...

Ahhhh Sundays... A day of rest (even though my twins say "can we go to the gym today?"  They LOVE it there)

Cleaning the house, getting everything ready for the upcoming week.  Food prep, dishes, laundry..  Guess it's not a day of rest after all :)

I have people ask me all the time:  What do I eat?  Well let me tell you.  I eat Oats, PB, Rice (both brown and white), rice cakes, fruit, chicken, fish, steak, veggies, salad, white potato, sw potato, protein shakes.  This is OFF season mind you.  I don't really limit myself in the off season.  I follow a plan, stick to it, but if I want a bowl of grapes or a bagel or a bowl of raisin bran, I eat it.  I allow 2 cheats a week sometimes 3 if I really pushed myself in the gym that week (which is every week cuz I almost always give it 110% unless I'm on deaths door which I hope not to be for a LONG time)

As of now I eat 6 meals a day and I eat every 3 hrs.  Mix of protein fat and carb at every meal is the healthiest way for me to gain the size I need in this off season.  I want to make the switch from Figure to Physique in 2013.  I think that's more my style and it allows me to show more muscles off rather than just doing mandatory poses.  So, in order to do that, I need to GAIN some proper size in the next 6 months and really 6 months isn't a long time to build, so I have to make sure I do it properly.  I know what I weigh right now but I don't plan on getting on a scale anytime soon.  That thing makes me crazy.  I KNOW that muscle weighs more than fat, I KNOW this yet I get freaked out every time I see the # go up.  So... I won't get on.  I might every 2 wks just to make sure I'm not adding unnecessary fat.

My training is now back to HEAVY lifting (old school for me baby!).  I know squeezing the muscles allows great separation but to me I need the size first, then I'll worry about separating what I have.  I usually am one of about 3 girls in the weight section at my gym.  I lift heavier than some of the guys in there too ;)  I love it.  It's my playground!!  There's NO better feeling in the world than doing a heavy set and shaking afterwards.  NOTHING!  Well, maybe getting to eat a Reeses PB Cup ;)   So, for this girl, heavy it is.

My training looks like this:

Mon- Back, Abs and cardio
Tues- Chest, Bis' and cardio
Wed- Cardio only
Thurs- Legs only
Fri-  Shoulders and cardio
Sat- Cardio only

So.. that's it, there ya go.. Any questions, please feel free to comment.

Happy Training!!!

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