Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Well, the leg workout went better than I expected. I'm proud of myself. I kicked ass!! I've always been strong in the leg dept but the sets and reps that Tony had me doing, really proved it. My husband was in awe of what I could do. He said "look at you all buff and stuff". I'm sore but a good sore, not a "I over did it" sore, so I'm glad. Today.....massage!!!! I treat myself to that once a week. I get them to relieve stress, relax my muscles and release the toxins (not that I have any left since I'm drinking that nasty ass water) ;o) I do also go to my HOT chiropractor at the end of the week....I always look forward to that. I sure could use a neck crack. I'm seeing all these posts about the Arnold.... can anyone go to that? Should I be going to those just to scope out the scene, introduce myself etc? Anyone going that isn't competing? I'd love to go but I don't want to go by myself. What's it all about? I'm FAR from being up on stage but I'd still love to meet people, see what it's all about etc.

Well...today I think I have shoulders (if I remember right). MY FAVORITE!! Love shoulders. I have a tendancy to overtrain them since I love them so much. Nice defined shoulders on women are so sexy!! I have to just learn to work them once and leave them alone... So hard. So, so far so good, diet's going fine, I'm down to 131 (lost 4lbs in a week), so that's awesome. I feel leaner and tighter and I look leaner, that's the most important part. My clothes are better just from the 4 lbs. Amazing what a tiny amt will do to you.

So, another day another dollar.....check in tomorrow. ROCK ON!

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