Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Up at 6am with DOMS sleep didn't go very well. My legs are S O R E!!! I went for a 90min hot stone massage yesterday (it was my anniversary) and it was nice. After Monday's leg workout, it felt good to get them rubbed down, HOWEVER, now they are really sore. UGH.. Nice though, that means I worked them over good. I made it to the gym yesterday and did my shoulder routine, that was awesome. I incorporated some Arnolds in there (just 2 sets) to finish them off. My run was great so, all in all, I had a great anniversary (no present from my hubby, just a card) :o(

Today....I have a major trip......4 kids to the dentist! The twins for the first time, this aught to be interesting. I'll need my chest workout after it's all over to release the frustration ;o)

6:05.....WTH!!! Good morning to everyone!

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