Tuesday, February 24, 2009

New Coach/New Training

Well, I hired a new coach and got some new training guidelines.. I'm a ways out from my first NPC show (Nov) so right now I'm doing a little bulking (getting, or NOT getting on the scale rather is my hardest thing!!)... I'm working out like mad, doing my cardio 3x a week and I'm doing a cardio bootcamp on my off day (I can't sit still and not do ANYTHING!!) I'm so glad to be eating again... carbs... gotta love em! This is such a rush for me, I can't even explain it. I am a pencil and paper kinda girl, I love lists, making lists, writing....so journaling and writing and re-writing my plans are an awesome way for me to stay on track. Writing on here, writing to my friends about what I'm doing, holds me accountable. If I say I'm training hard, then see my friends and they don't notice a difference, then I look like an ass, so..... I gotta do what I write ;o)

I'm looking forward to meeting my new team mates and making new friends through this experience. I love reading other people's blogs to see what they're doing to achieve their goals. I really love all the newbies to the sport (me being one of them), it makes me feel good that people want to live an active lifestyle. This isn't a diet or a weight loss plan, this is my life!!! My husband is an in-shape guy, he's short and stocky and has muscle, but this has inspired him to really hit it hard (he just doesn't want me to get stronger than him) It's a macho thing ;o) But, none the less, it's making him work harder and believe me, when he works hard, his body responds!! Good thing my tubes are tied ;o)

I'm so thrilled to be a part of the figure world, I've admired for so long. Many of the women I have seen over the years, wishing I could look like them.... Well, I can look like them, or better, and I'm so excited about it! CABO in a TINI WINI BIKINI here I come!!

If anyone lives in the chicago area and wants to train..... let me know, I'm up for it! I'm 36wks out from mt first show... believe me, that 36 weeks will go fast!!! Eat now while I can....16 weeks out.... less food :o(

Rock on ya'll!!!

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