Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I don't know how the hel* I'm supposed to do my heavy leg day on Friday when my legs feel like this. DOMS suck! I don't know what I did.... I did chest and tri's yesterday yet, my legs feel like I pressed 500lbs. HORRIBLE pain!! We'll see. Today I get to eat!! YEAH!!! Anything I want!!! Gotta love bulking!!! YIPPEEE..... can you tell I'm excited? Cheese puffs here I come! ;o)

Off day today, so... I thought what better day to eat! I'm home all day with the kids... I had cottage cheese and blueberries and coffee and water for, I'm off to a good start. I think late afternoon and dinner will be my cheating time.. Morning, I'm not too hungry, I'd rather have later day stuff..

My chest/Tri workout yesterday was awesome. Amazing actually. We had some guy in our gym say to my husband "you guys work out so intensely". That felt good to hear, that someone else was watching us... kinda a cool feeling. He told him I was training and that he was along for the ride ;o) I love my hubby, he's SOOOOO supportive of me and my goals. It would be hell if he wasn't. He's so great!

So... off day today, off day (well, cardio) tomorrow... then duh duh duh....LEG days!! UGH!!

Talk to you on Friday ;o)

Rock On!!

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