Saturday, February 28, 2009

Leg Day 2 (and Bi's)

UGH!! I worked it out today, let me tell you!!! My legs were jello when I was done. Can you tub!!!! I am proud of myself though, I did my 3 sets of leg presses at 270, not too shabby! I could have gone heavier I think but I was alone at the gym today (hubby is fighting a cold and was in bed all day). I HATE lifting by myself, I always feel like I could go heavier and more reps if I had him with me. There's no one in my gym on Saturdays that I could ask for help from either, which sucks..
I've befriended a girl from the "other" website for bodybuilders and hopefully we're gonna start to get together on the weekends to lift. I gave her Jen's info, so hopefully she'll train with her too and become a part of Team Abrams!

Well, off day tomorrow.. FOOOOOOODDDDDDD I'm soooooooooo excited about that. Pasta and pie here I come!!

Talk to you all on Monday..


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