Friday, February 27, 2009

Leg Day 1 (and shoulders)

2 words..... I'm scared ;o) I actually can't wait til tonight when I can press the best I've ever pressed, that's the only way my legs are going to grow....pain!!!! I'll let you know when the DOMS set in ;o) I'll probably be on here a lot since I won't be able to walk ;o) I LOVE LOVE LOVE working my shoulders. I would train them everyday if I could. Smallest muscle and I love working it, go figure ;o) I just love the way nice shoulders look on women, I think it's the best part of us.

Wish I was going to the Arnold, I couldn't get a sitter for these couple of days, well, there's always next year. Have fun to all of those who are going. Gather some samples for me!! ;o)

Training is going good, can't wait to see my progress pics on Sunday. I don't know if once a week is too many times to see real results, maybe I should wait and only do it once a month, since I'm so far out... We'll see. If I can't see a difference, I won't freak out ;o)

Well....another rainy day here in Chi town. I wish the sun would come out, it makes me so much happier! Rain is so depressing, especially here in Chicago when we have SOOOOO much winter! I can't wait to have my windows open again (then I'll be bitching how hot it is!).

Well, happy Friday to all you out there reading this, have a great weekend! Talk to ya next week!

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