Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I took pics yesterday at the gym and well, let's just say, it's a good thing I have 35 weeks to prepare ;o) I always think I look better than that, but pictures don't lie :o( Well, it just means that I have to work that much harder as I will NOT let myself get on stage looking like a hack!

Yesterday was my back day.. back...back is back....
Today, Chest and Shoulders....my favorite!! I hope the pics of my shoulders do them justice. I have always thought I have nice shoulders, so we'll see.

Trying to keep up the cardio, but not too much as I need bulk to build muscle, so.. it's a roller coaster of emotion. As women we're prone to want to get on the scale.... how much do you weigh, has haunted us since birth! I can't can't can't CAN'T get on the scale! As you may or may not know muslce weighs 2X as much as fat so as I build the muscle I want, I WILL see an increase on my scale. You know how hard that is to look at??? I KNOW what it means and I KNOW I'm not gaining fat, so... it's just a mind thing. You know what I can't get over....the fat in my legs! What the hell!! I work them to the bone and still, celulite! WTF!!! I can't get on stage wtih that cottage cheese on my legs, NO WAY!! But, I have faith in myself and my abilities and I have faith in Jen that she won't let me get up there looking any less than my best!

So, hi ho, hi ho, it's off to the gym I go!!


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