Friday, August 17, 2012


Well, it's been almost a month since my show and off season is going really well.  I am back to lifting heavy which I love and I'm getting PR's like crazy which is AWESOME!  I will be posting updates to my physique every 2 weeks on here with random posts in between.  Why you ask?

1. Because it will hold me accountable for what I eat.  Since I have no show soon, it will keep me from going crazy town on cheats.

2. Because I want you all to see that gaining weight in the off season is NOT a bad thing.

3. Because I want to show that a girl can lift!!

4. I don't know what 4 should be  (I sound like Michael Keaton in Mr. Mom)

So, look here every 2 weeks for updates.  I will be listing my workouts and any PR's that I get (personal record).  Like the other day I did 175 on squats for 3 which I was THRILLED about!!  Go me!!

Til then, keep it real, keep it heavy and always keep it TIGHT!


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