Friday, February 5, 2010

New year, New You (I mean, Me)

Well, here we are 2010. Doesn't that sound space age? It's weird to think that we're in a whole other decade now. BUT, good things to come this year for sure. I'm out right now nursing a shoulder injury but I'll be back in the fall. I was planning to compete in May, but instead, I'm coaching a friend and hoping she gets the "compete" bug and then we can do the fall together. I'm so happy to be helping her and she's doing really well. I get a lot of joy helping her and watching her grow and succeed. This really is my calling. Weight management, training, nutrition, I just love it! I'm so lucky that I get to make a living out of what I love, it just makes it that much better. I've been nursing this shoulder injury since my fall shows of last year, I thought it would go away, but it hasn't. I'm in therapy twice a week and I go for another cortazone shot on Wed. Hopefully that will offer some relief as the pain wakes me up in the middle of the night and I am very tired come the next day.

I have many things in the works while I'm injured. A clothing line, a nutritional supplement company that I'm promoting and selling for called Amerisciences, a local small business opportunity... All while staying active myself and training my clients.

I'm so very excited for all these ventures and I look forward to sharing them all with you.

Stay Tuned!!


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